(function (Translator) {
// he
Translator.add("An authentication exception occurred.", "An authentication exception occurred.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Authentication credentials could not be found.", "Authentication credentials could not be found.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.", "Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Invalid credentials.", "Invalid credentials.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Cookie has already been used by someone else.", "Cookie has already been used by someone else.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Not privileged to request the resource.", "Not privileged to request the resource.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Invalid CSRF token.", "Invalid CSRF token.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Digest nonce has expired.", "Digest nonce has expired.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.", "No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.", "No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("No token could be found.", "No token could be found.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Username could not be found.", "Username could not be found.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Account has expired.", "Account has expired.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Credentials have expired.", "Credentials have expired.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Account is disabled.", "Account is disabled.", "security", "he");
Translator.add("Account is locked.", "Account is locked.", "security", "he");